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The Elegance Assortment ~ 16 Marble and Gemstone Wallpapers

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Uploaded: 8th Sep 2023 at 5:54 PM
These (untrimmed) wallpaper designs come from: MindTheGap.com and were modified for TS2 by CatherineTCJD of Sims Virtual Realty and MTS.

There are 16 wallpapers featuring patterns of gemstones and marble, very elegant, indeed.
All but one are 2-story-able (the exception, shown at the bottom, is best suited for 1-story walls.)
They are all found in the 'masonry' category for $9 each.

And here is the one that does NOT work for multiple stories:

PSST: Add your own moulding to the plain paper walls with my Wallpaper Overlays - These overlays let you add whatever moulding you want to your walls.