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4t2 borderlands consoles by rumorukaraizon

975 Downloads 32 Thanks  Thanks 8 Favourited 1,792 Views
Uploaded: 30th Aug 2023 at 7:57 PM
*These are animated consoles extracted from the game “Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel” and edited by Rumoruka Raizon.
*Buy this objects, return to "Live mode". And you will see these animations.
*Four additional animation recolors for "DAHL Console d".
Object namePriceLocationAdd-on required
DAHL Console a$105Electronics - MiscAny add-on
DAHL Console b$105Electronics - MiscAny add-on
DAHL Console c$105Electronics - MiscAny add-on
DAHL Console d$105Electronics - MiscAny add-on

Link with thanks for models to:
rumorukaraizon https://rumorukaraizon.tumblr.com/p...916551733444608