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La Croix recolours of Mickyss Rideable Bike

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Uploaded: 12th Feb 2019 at 5:58 AM
In continuing with my La Croix theme, I wanted to add another vehicle, something more affordable for uni students or your average broke Sim. At §45, Mickyss "Bike - Rideable" seemed to do the trick, and with such an easy skin to recolor, it seemed like a dream come true.

And to be honest, I think they came out wonderfully. The pattern reminds me of some of the racing cycles I've seen for sale in sporting goods stores. Unfortunately, I didn't see a way to recolor the seat, but the pedals and handlebars are coordinated to the frame.

You can find them in the Accessories > Vehicles tab, usually pretty early in the catalogue with their scant pricing being what it is. All files have been compressorized.