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Creme Appliances

4,476 Downloads 175 Thanks  Thanks 15 Favourited 11,445 Views
Uploaded: 25th Dec 2018 at 5:09 AM
Merry, Merry Christmas, everyone!! It's the most wonderful time of the year, and nothing says holiday cheer like, um, some plain, creme appliance recolours. Yeah!

Made to match the creme fridges and stove I posted a little while ago, this is a simple 3-pack of base game Large Appliance recolours.

Gagmia Simore "RefuseNik" Trash Compactor §375
Wishy-Washer from Brandname LX §550
Shiny Things Inc Whisp-Aire Dishwasher §950

Please to enjoy, and Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Files are Compressorized

Additional Credits:
Always never stop thanking Numenor, Quaxi, RGiles and everyone who brought us CEP and SimPE! Also Santa, because he is totally awesome and 100% real.