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16 new Floors

192 Downloads 59 Thanks  Thanks 2 Favourited 10,417 Views
Uploaded: 23rd Dec 2004 at 7:08 PM
Updated: 25th Dec 2004 at 2:55 AM
Alas, I have been going crazy with Home crafter. Someone help me.

In this pack I have filled a request, and included many other great floorings! I had several requests for more stepping stone/brick floorings, and I have created just that.

I have not given each tile a name, as I am not that creative, so they are just numbered. If you want to see what tile 004 looks like, that click screenshot 004. Simple enough, eh?

As always, screenshots are included, click the attatchments to enlarge, and finally, enjoy! :D

And by the way, for all those 'Lurkers' out there, feel free to reply and tell me what you think, either here or in a PM, I appreciate any feedback. ^_^