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Megatron Tower Windows

5,052 Downloads 471 Thanks  Thanks 38 Favourited 44,095 Views
Uploaded: 12th May 2009 at 5:34 PM
Happy Birthday MTS!

Recolor of Tower Windows. The Megatron texture by Pixelhate is used with permission. The nudging of Pixelhate's Megaton texture into a recolor texture for the tower windows was done by bluetexasbonnie. There are 4 recolors -- 2 plain solid corrogated metal, 1 patched corrogated metal and one barred window opening.

The tower windows will give the illusion of a round tower when placed on an octagon that is 3 tiles straight & 2 tiles diagonal. (See above link for lengthier explanation if that didn't make sense -- and additional recolors if you are interested.)

The windows use the repository technique. You must have BTB-WindowTower-Left-MASTER in your download folder for any of the windows to show up correctly.

The center door comes in two color versions -- with and without barred window.