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New Mesh: SimLektric Night Light

898 Downloads 394 Thanks  Thanks 23 Favourited 23,822 Views
Uploaded: 27th Feb 2006 at 11:12 PM
Updated: 20th Oct 2008 at 2:52 PM by -Maylin-
Tired of putting huge wall-lamps in your Sim's cramped hallways or bedrooms, or putting those boring ones in your little ones rooms? Well the NEW SimLektric Wall Night Light will take care of htat for you. Made out of 99.9% of recycled milk jugs and only using 7.5 watts of electricity, this light is also envoromentally friendly.

Now for the facts:

Number of Polys: 462-due to the rounded glass part

In-Game Cost: $10-cheap

Pie-Menu: Still Works-With the "Turn On", "Turn Off", and "Auto-Lights" funtion.
Permission To Recolour: Granted---> Just on This Site--> Link Back Here: Don't Upload With Your Recolor Just Download The UV Map I've Provided Below