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16 paintings by William-Adolphe Bouguereau on a NL Mesh.

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Uploaded: 18th Feb 2023 at 6:54 PM
For a while in my life, I managed a museum gift shop.
My favorite painting in the museum was Bouguereau's "Young Shepherdess."
I have the mug, the shirt, and the reprint/poster hanging on my wall to prove it!

So... I was very pleased to find a large collection of his work on Bouguereau.org.
...I then modified the images in PhotoShop to fit the mesh properly, and without blurriness.
The mesh is NL: "Pineapple"/LeftBankPoster.
Package/file names match the names of the works. (So you can pick and choose with ease!)

From the Bouguereau. website:
William-Adolphe Bouguereau (November 30, 1825 - August 19, 1905) was a French academic painter. Bouguereau was a staunch traditionalist whose realistic genre paintings and mythological themes were modern interpretations of Classical subjects with a heavy emphasis on the female human body.

Although he created an idealized world, his almost photo-realistic style was popular with rich art patrons. He was very famous in his time but today his subject matter and technique receive relatively little attention compared to the popularity of the Impressionists.
