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Two Art Recolors: honoring Black History

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Uploaded: 11th Feb 2023 at 7:32 PM
These two pieces of art were found on the web; credits for each painting are listed below.
The paintings were slightly modified by me in PhotoShop - adjusted to properly fit the mesh, and without blurriness.
Meshes = Basegame's "Arghist Soldier" and OFB's Storybook
Package/file names match the names in the pictures and of the credits list.

Art credits: (If you google from the following source list - you can learn a lot of fascinating stuffs!)
- "Moses and his Ethiopian wife Zipporah" by Jacob Jordaens, ca.1650
- "Portrait of an African Man" (probably composer and writer Ignatius Sancho, 1729–1780) by Allan Ramsay, 1784, Scotland