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Hair 4T2 Mohawak Mullet Retextured

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Uploaded: 26th Sep 2022 at 1:01 PM
It is part of a conversion of a hair created by Bananahut for the sims 4 version here, while grecadeasims did the conversion of that hair for sims 2. This hair is for teen, young adult, adult and elder sims. The two versions are compressed, these are the results of both in The compressorizer:

V1: 1484
V2: 1476

Base Game only required

There are two versions, v1 and v2 that you can see the difference, although it is minimal, the difference is noticeable by the change of tones for a natural look. Except for the texture for the elder sims, that has no color variation, it is just gray.
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