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Litter Box Love | 14 Recolours of Pets' "Mentionable" Plastic Litter Box

2,317 Downloads 86 Thanks  Thanks 16 Favourited 3,549 Views
Uploaded: 28th Jun 2022 at 9:07 AM
Updated: 20th Sep 2022 at 4:16 AM
**Find more of my work on my Tumblr! My latest is not uploaded here as I can't be bothered to take all the photos MTS deems necessary**

So I don't think I need to mention how underwhelming the Maxis colour range is in regards to litterboxes. That yellow in particular, yeugh. Blandddd.

There are already a few different sets uploaded around here with varying colours and shades, but I found they lacked... rainbowness. I'm never satisfied unless I have all the colours of the rainbow in my swatch.

Hence, on a whim, I decided to create my own little colourful palette of litterboxes, whether to brighten the world up or to match your decor, is up to you. Let me know how you like them!

14 recolours all up!

Can be found in Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Pets for §150

As this is a Maxis recolour, no mesh is required for these to work in-game.

The files are named after the object and its recolour, and the swatch correlates Happy poop-scooping!