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monique's ATM Machine Recolours

2,395 Downloads 122 Thanks  Thanks 19 Favourited 11,421 Views
Uploaded: 21st Jan 2017 at 2:01 AM
Updated: 4th Jul 2017 at 4:11 AM
As requested by Goldenbtrfly.

Goldenbtrfly asked if I could recolour monique's ATM Machine, when I took a look at it I found it was not recolourable. I made it recolourable then recoloured it in 5 colours to match the Community Trash Can, 1 to match the Community Phone, 4 degrees of Grunge also a 2 cream and 2 silver.

I did not change the name or the GUID's of the ATM and I have only included the ATM MESH in the zip file. I have never used this ATM, so I will not be able to answer any questions about it, sorry.

You will have to go HERE to get all the other files needed to make the ATM work properly also instructions on what it does and how to use it.

This are not base game compatible, University, Nightlife and Open for Business is required!

Found: Buy Mode > Electronics > Entertainment. Price: §1050.

Custom Content used in my screenshots: Trash Bin recolour.

Files have been compressed and checked in game. A colour chart and a note are included in the zip file.

Additional Credits: SimPE - CEP - GIMP - Milkshape - UV Mapper - The Compressorizer - Maxis/EA Games and MTS.
Goldenbtrfly for requesting these recolours
monique for the ATM Machine.