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Star Mirror

4,485 Downloads 225 Thanks  Thanks 38 Favourited 11,949 Views
Uploaded: 21st Jul 2016 at 4:58 PM
Star Lite 5000
A functional star mirror with an optional deco light stencil.
  • Decorative/Mirror - §100
  • 2 subsets
  • 30 Tiny File recolors in Anna's colors


Do not delete recolors in game - In order to have the tiny file sizes (and quick load times as a result) all of the hue recolors share the same grayscale texture template. You can't delete one color in game without deleting them all.

Do not rename the files - The meshes need to load before the recolors and the masters need to load before the slaves in order for everything to work properly.

Terms of Use: None

Polygon Counts:
Faces: 313
Vertices: 447

Additional Credits:
EA for the mesh & texture, SimPe, Milkshape and Photoshop.