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skyFix 2.1 (redownload / 15 APR '17)

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Uploaded: 21st Dec 2015 at 10:25 PM
Updated: 7th Dec 2023 at 7:40 PM
The sun, the moon, stars or meteors can't be seen properly on the sky while playing on a lot if Seasons, any newer expansion pack, or Mansion and Garden Stuff is installed. This mod fixes it. Additionally, it provides better support for displaying neighborhood skyboxes and horizons on lots.

This mod does not restore base game clouds but there is another mod which achieves that: the clouds controller made by Lowedeus. There's also a global version of it made by Lazy Duchess – it makes clouds show automatically, without having to put a controller on a lot.

15 Apr 2017: Added a fixed version for Mac. The snow texture outside the lot borders doesn't flash purple anymore.
7 Apr 2017: The previous version made terrain paints and floors on other lots invisible. It's fixed in the SkyFix 2.1.
12 Mar 2017: Released the SkyFix 2 that makes it possible to create skyboxes that blend properly with edges of the visible terrain.

Choosing the right version
  1. If you have an old version of this mod (simNopke-skyFix-### or simNopke-skyFix2-###), delete it first. Go to 2.
  2. If you're playing on Mac and have Super Collection or Bon Voyage installed, choose simNopke-skyFix2_1-EP6-Mac. If not, go to 3.
  3. If you're playing on PC and have Ultimate Collection, or at least one of the following packs installed: Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life, Mansion and Garden Stuff – choose simNopke-skyFix2_1-EP6. If not, go to 4.
  4. If you have Seasons installed, choose simNopke-skyFix2_1-EP5. If not, go to 5.
  5. If you have at least one of the following packs installed: Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, any stuff pack (except of M&G Stuff) – choose simNopke-skyFix2_1-EP2. If not, choose simNopke-skyFix2_1-base.
EP5, EP2 and base versions work fine on both PC and Mac.

Known issues
None caused by this mod, but there is a bug you can't see without the SkyFix in Seasons, any newer expansion pack, or M&G Stuff: double sun and double moon.

Do not use this mod with:If you want to use any of the above mods, use it instead of my mod.

For creators of skyboxes
To create a properly layered neighborhood skybox compatible with the SkyFix, you have to use the following values for the stdMatLayer parameter in the material file of your skybox:
  • -6 – skies (solid)
  • -5 – something between the sky and the horizon, for example clouds
  • -4 – horizons
Unfortunately, Maxis sun, moon, stars and meteors won't be covered by clouds or horizons.

Overridden resource
Type nameTypeGroupInstanceInstance (high)
Maxis Material Shader0xCD7FE87A0x1C0532FA0xFF439C100x0C50FBBF
Lowedeus (The Great Sky of Totalitarianism)
Creators of SimPe