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Jon119:Marble Dining~5 Recolours to match Jon's Marble Fountain

2,391 Downloads 269 Thanks  Thanks 17 Favourited 20,177 Views
Uploaded: 16th May 2008 at 3:42 PM
G'day cobbers =)

Jon made a gorgeous little dining set well, quite some time ago and after doing the fountain I thought it would be purrrrfect to match it to the Refreshing Marble Fountain and my reco's. I also made a set to match Jon's original cream marble texture for the fountain:

You can grab the fountain here.
And my recolours here.

Why don't signatures work when uploading? Weird omgquickshootthesiteadmins! If you MUST have a zip file - grab the reco's at my site loverat.net

Additional Credits:
The donut makers of the world!