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New Mesh: "Intercommunication" Lamp

406 Downloads 221 Thanks  Thanks 6 Favourited 17,958 Views
Uploaded: 6th Jun 2007 at 1:34 AM
Updated: 22nd Oct 2008 at 2:44 PM by -Maylin-
Uhhm. Hey guys. Its been a while and this is probably my last for a long while. So please.. I know its not much.. but enjoy it. :]

Im not feeling creative so here we go anyways. Its a crazy looking lamp with a futuristic seventies major flare. Um the "on/off" fuctions work as well as the "auto-lights" function as well. It comes in one color because Im lazy and didnt feel like making any more designs or whatever so yeah [:

Factual Stuff
In-Game Cost: 80 simoleans
In-Game Catalogue Location: Lighting>TableLamps
Compatability: BASE GAME
Textures: Painted completely by myself in Photoshop
Polygon Count: Faces-1914 Verts-1285 -- eww I know

If youre cool, you can abide by my policys of feeling free to recolor only on this site please and you do want to include in lots go ahead with some credit I guess. But eh. I dont really care so whatev :/

Alrighty Im out.. Ill catch some of you on AIM and thats always nice. See You around.

Polygon Counts:
Faces-1914 Verts-1285

Additional Credits:
The folks over at SimPE, the moderators here for keeping the peace, the friendly downloaders, and Plan59.