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Modern Beachwear

130 Downloads 39 Thanks  Thanks 2 Favourited 11,790 Views
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2007 at 5:32 PM
Updated: 29th Jan 2007 at 7:09 PM by sim~obsessor
-first community lot of the series! is placed on a 2x4 lot and....im no sure on what it costs becuse i complety forgot to look! ill og in and check and update later. your sufrer boy/girl sims can purchase this lot and make a living from it...if you have OFB of course! for some odd reason it didnt reset the neighborhood veiwed terrain to sand so i used the sand terrain paint on it so it "blends" with the series.

-custom content used and included:

-walls and floors:

-it will look odd in lot veiw... seeing that thers a sudden contrast between sand and gress. but hey! what can you do! any comments.... leav em! ill read em! and possibly implement em! the neon blocks along the walls will look best if you set them to the pastel blue/green/lavender on fade setting...but its your lot :p