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Top Four Sexiest Women in Rock (according to Kerrang! Magazine)

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Uploaded: 15th Jan 2007 at 2:11 PM
As a companion piece to the Top Five Sexiest Men in Rock posters, may I present the Top Four Sexiest Women in Rock (according to the Kerrang! Readers Poll 2006). Why only four I hear you ask? Well Pandora, Kerrang!'s cartoon character came fifth and she's copyrighted and stuff and as such there are no decent sized pics of her suitable to turn into posters. Sorry.
The results were:
1. Amy Lee (Evanescence)
2. Hayley Williams (Paramore)
3. Christina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil)
4. Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy)
5. Pandora (cartoon character extraordinaire)
I hope you and your sims like them.